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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.
NEWSLETTER mid-April 08
19 April 2008

Dear Member & Supporter
Just a brief update to keep you all informed of latest developments (or lack of them!)
65 Broadacres - 2nd application to build housing on the open space adjoining Ferndale was turned down by the Council. This application produced 34 objections according to GBC website.
Telecom Mast - this was the 3rd application to build a mast on the pavement by 165 Park Barn Drive. It attracted a goodly number of objections and plans have now been withdrawn. Thanks to all WBDRA supporters who contributed to this one.
Travel Centre Guildford Station - this application comes up before the Planning Committee on April 22. WBDRA hopes to be there. 
Oakfields Fence - sadly no developments to report. GBC have refused to action residents request to reinstate the wooden fence which was taken down in front of the Allotment Site. Sadly our Councillors haven't been effective in persuading GBC to restore this fence and seem to have sided with GBC in doing nothing. This is NOT what we - the electorate - expect from our elected representatives. WBDRA will fight on regardless. 
WBDRA Website - we've been busy building up the Library section which now contains copies of key correspondence, Press articles & related documents. Please take a look - contributions & comments always welcome. The address is:
Housing on the Allotment Site - our last newsletter provoked an interesting interchange between GBC and Guildford Allotment Society. You can read about it in the Library section. However, we will fight on & on & on until the threat of Housing is completely removed and GBC have published an unambiguous unequivocal statement that plans to build on the site have been scrapped. This is what we and hundreds of Guildford residents actually want to see.
Thanks again to you all for your time and continued support.

David Bird
Westborough, Broadacres & District Residents Association

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