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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.

Hanging Fire - September 2020

We’ve been very patient waiting for the implementation of the Local Plan as regards the Aldershot Road (AR) Site.

It all seemed to be going well – planning application for AR works approved by GBC for the new plots & site clearance which added to already ring-fenced monies allocated for new security fencing.

Guildford Allotment Society (GAS) had already decided to chuck a spoke in the wheel of the Weyside Urban Village (WUV) project with their Save Bellfields Allotments campaign.

What this means for Aldershot Road (AR) tenants is that the fencing which had been funded and promised for quite some time is not going to happen anytime soon as the program of works for this has become inextricably linked to the opening up of plots – and the opening up of plots element is funded by the WUV – now on hold thanks to GAS.

GAS have told AR tenants that the fence is not their problem which doesn’t say much for their Duty of Care towards their tenants.

As Cllr Gunning said the overwhelming majority (some 76%) of people were in favour of the proposed new allotment site at North Moors – what ever happened to democracy?

If Secretary of State approval is not obtained for the disposal of the Bellfields site when GBC begin to appeal the decision, then 200 new homes will not be built at a tremendous cost to the WUV project & GBC running into £10s of £millions.


AGM 2020

In case you wondered whatever happened to our AGM, this has been postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings and as yet a Virtual AGM has not proved possible though not impossible.

Apologies for delays in our usual communication activities and apart from the Virus issues, another delaying factor has been the issue of Bellfields Allotments and the Weyside Urban Village project.

Watch this space!!


Page Last Updated - 25/11/2020
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