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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.

AGM 2011 post-meeting note

Thanks for all those who came along.

Despite a large number of seasonal apologies, a pretty good turn out.

We were especially pleased to welcome Wayne McShane from the Park Barn Community Association, PC Janet Ville (who gave an excellent talk) and the Chair & Deputy Chair of Worplesdon Parish Council.

All serving WBDRA Officers carry on for another year with hopefully the addition of a legal adviser (tbc soon)



AGM 2011 - invitation text

This year's AGM is being held on Saturday 3rd December 2011.

The venue is the Church Hall @ St Mary's Church, Aldershot Road, Guildford.

Doors open c09:30, meeting starts @ 10.00

We are aware of the closeness to Christmas but unfortunately this is the optimum date for both WBDRA & the Church Hall team this year. So apologies in advance to those who can't make it due to Christmas preparations and many thanks once more to St Marys for making the hall available to us again.

Teas & refreshments available after the meeting

Hope to see as many of you as can make it


The minutes of our 2010 AGM can be found in our Library section



Page Last Updated - 28/12/2011
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