AGM 2010 Feedback
Thanks to all who braved the weather and made it to the meeting.
A good turnout considering the treacherous driving & walking conditions and the fact that many regulars were tied up with Christmas activities.
Next year we'll try to get an earlier booking for the Hall.
Pleased that at least one County Councillor made it along with several Borough Councillors. Anne Milton MP regrettably had to offer her apologies but we thank her for her continued keen interest shown in our Allotment campaign.
Thanks also to the backstage crew for organising the hall and providing refreshments.
Best wishes to all for 2011.
AGM 2010 (Notice of Meeting)
This year's AGM is being held on Saturday 4th December 2010.
The venue is the Church Hall @ St Mary's Church, Aldershot Road, Guildford.
Doors open c09:30, meeting starts @ 10:00
We have had several apologies already - some due to the closeness of the date to Christmas. We are very appreciative of that but we are dependent on the Church Hall Diary.
Hope to see as many of you as can make it
Meeting Minutes
7th November 2009
Held at: St Mary’s (Rydes Hill) Church Hall
Commenced: 10:00 hrs
David Bird (Chair) Helen Ward (Secretary)
Committee members:
Public attendees: 41 Paul Cragg,
MPs / Local / County councillors: 4 Beverley Mussell
Noreen Moynihan
Apologies: John Shorto (Treasurer), John Kerswell (Committee) & various supporters
1 Chairman’s Welcome
Meeting commenced 10:07 hrs
The Chairman (DB) welcomed all those present including our local MP (Anne Milton), our local councillors.
He also pointed out the emergency exits and the evacuation procedures.
2 Approval of Minutes / Re-election of officers and committee members
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 28th November 2008 were unanimously approved as was the re-election of the serving officers and committee.
3 Chairmans report
DB said thatthe number of planning applications since the previous meeting had dropped, probably due to the recession. Hence 2009 had been quieter in this respect.
- During 2009 WBDRA had supported two local charities. One was Age Concern who had suffered a funding crisis due to the withdrawal by GBC of funds on Riverside. A couple of the WBDRA members had succeeded in raising £3,500. The other was Help for Heroes. Several members had attended a fund raising dinner for the charity.
- The GBC Core Strategy: was far too complicated for people to understand. It has done the rounds of other local organisations who have attempted to grasp its meaning. WBDRA has sent a response.
- Oakfields fencing: The first fence had not provided a screen so the wooden fence was re – instated. DB Thanked Councillor Vic Searle, who, after 5 months and many e-mails / calls to GBC, had managed to obtain 2 keys for the gate and arranged for the strip of land adjacent to be kept tidy.
- Allotment Housing: The site was still being considered for housing development but due to a delay by GBCs objections to the SE Plan, any proposals regarding housing were now on hold. Fiona White stated that GBC were against the development from Merrow on Green Belt Land. They had stated this to the Government who did not challenge. The Govt had not reduced planned housing numbers under the S E Plan and it was possible that many may
- have to be built in urban areas like Worplesdon and Westborough putting the Aldershot Rd site under an increasing threat.
- 450 people were waiting for an allotment including 70 for the Aldershot Road site.
4 Secretary’s Report
· The Secretary expressed her concern over the proposed development of the former Puttocks car show room site into a 200+ car parking site for the Royal Surrey County Hospital. David Bird stated that our Association had always supported the hospital but felt that this development shouldn’t be situated in a residential area when there was a suitable site closer to the RSCH
5 Treasurer’s Report
- The Treasurer (JS) was unable to attend the AGM but the Chairman advised the meeting of WBDRA’s approximate financial position.
6 Chairman’s Report
Planning applications: There were not as many this year as last but they were serious including 38 Oakfields, (To be turned into an even bigger student ghetto) for the third time. Paul Cragg brought it to our attention that the lady next door to this property had been receiving some harassment from some of the tenants of this property. Additionally, 73 Beckingham Road could possibly become another student let. Another one to watch
7.Matters from the floor
1.Also present was Andy Stallon from the developers of the former Puttocks site . Local residents expressed their concerns over the proposals to turn it into a carpark. Points raised included pollution, noise, the height of the security lights, why were the allotment parking spaces being moved from what is technically plot 1? There were worries from the residents of Westway over rumours that some hospital staff would not be allowed to use the carpark but could the bus service. Where would they park their cars?? Mr Stallon was informed that objections would be raised at the relevant planning meeting at GBC.
2.The Lib Dems and Tories both agreed that Green Belt land should not be built on.
8 Any other business
- David informed that Worplesdon Parish Council Calendars & Christmas Cards were now available to purchase today
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 11:00hrs by DB who thanked all for attending and asked for the members continuing support. The date and time of the next general meeting to be decided later in 2010.
Minutes submitted by: Helen Ward
Approved by: David Bird, Chairman
Page Last Updated - 30/12/2010