NEWS - MAY 2013
An assortment of items since our last update - some good, some not so encouraging.
The WBDRA chair was invited to speak on the subject of Housing on the Allotment Site at the AGMs of WASHA & Guildford Allotment Society - the latter proving a bit controversial in its write-up in the Surrey Times.
Copies of the talks given by our Chair are in the Library section as is a repro of the Surrey Times article and subsequent correspondence with GBC Planning.
On another tack, WBDRA has joined up with the new Guildford Residents Assocations group (GRA) - which comprises of most of the Residents Assocations in the Borough. The aim here is to strengthen support for varoius campaigns - interestingly enough this really means challenging GBC on key issues and to get the real voice of Guildford folk into the planning process.
This will be happening some time in the near future - no-one knows exactly when.
This all relates to GBC compiling the new 2013 Local Plan and key parts of the old 2003 Plan namely the policy relating to Aldershot Road Housing will be part of that consultation.
This process should have started in January but didn't & GBC are very off track in terms of time-lines. Our greatest fear is that GBC would try and have this consultation in August (peak holiday month) but GBC assured the GRA (mentioned above) that this would not be the case. Let's hope that proves to be true.
A very well attended meeting (May 30th) where Cllr Stephen Mansbridge (Leader of Guildford Boro' Council) spoke about his 5 Pillars approach to the long term future development of Guildford and the Borough.
All present agreed it was a very polished and motivational delivery.
2 of the Pillars polarise round Housing Development & Infrastructure so WBDRA asked how these two often conflicting activities would be handled differently as in the past it had always been Housing first and Infrastructure would follow (which of course it never has). Cllr Mansbridge offered an example of parallel development eg Housing near the University built at the same time as a slip road off the A3.
Maybe he will be proved right - but history dictates otherwise and House Builders have no interest in building road or engineering traffic management schemes.
Page Last Updated - 01/06/2013