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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.


It was a truly awful day weather-wise and roadworks adjacent to the Hall meant car parking was very limited. Nonetheless, we had a good meeting with those present and were grateful to Cllr Bob McShee & County Cllr Keith Witham for their respective and informative inputs.

Thanks to Reverend Hugh & the Church Hall staff for the use of their facilities.

AGM 2012

This year's AGM is being held on Saturday 24th November 2012.

The venue this year is the Church Hall @ St Alban's Church Hall in Wood Street, Guildford - opposite the Royal Oak pub.

The Hall doors open c09:30, meeting starts @ 10.00 and we aim to finish the formal meeting by 11:00.

The main item on the Agenda is the upcoming GBC Consultation which will contain, we expect, another opportunity to have our say on the future of our local Allotment site.

Teas & refreshments available after the meeting

Hope to see as many of you as can make it.

And on a logistical note, car parking is a bit tight at St Albans so please make the most of any car sharing opportunities.


Minutes of Meeting held @ St Marys Church Hall Aldershot Road – 10:00 3rd December 2011


WBDRA people present: David Bird (Chair); Helen Ward (Secretary); John Shorto (Treasurer); plus Committee members – Beverley Mussell & Paul Cragg
Guest Speaker: PC Janet Ville (Surrey Police)    

Plus a good public attendance whose names were all duly recorded                                              

1. Chairman’s Welcome & Apologies

Meeting commenced 10:08 hrs

The Chairman (DB) welcomed all those present including Janet Ville from Surrey Police and Wayne McShane from the Park Barn Residents association. The emergency exits & evacuation procedures were pointed out. 

Apologies reported included: Anne Milton MP; Cllr Julia McShane; John Kerswell (Committee); Noreen Moynihan (Committee) and various local residents

2. Approval of Minutes/Election of Officers and Committee members

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th November 2010 were unanimously approved as was the re-election of the serving officers and committee.

3. Secretary’s Report

Referred to the proposed changes by Surrey County Council to some of our local bus services and timetables and gave an estimated timeline. Secretary pointed out the possible changes to our most local routes

4. Treasurer’s Report

No report but pointed out that WBDRA relied on donations to cover expenses for items such as stationery and the website

5. Chairmans report

Allotment Housing 1: Chairman gave a brief background to the threats to the uncultivated part of the Aldershot Road allotment site and that the campaign to resist this would continue. It was mentioned in Novembers press that there was a renewed national interest in allotments. However, 2 weeks later David Cameron met with Surrey councillors who stated that they had not met their housing targets. He was shown photos of a development in Epsom which indicated a lack of infrastructure,  poor utilities and sewerage provision.

Allotment Housing 2: Not much had happened since last year. Guildford Borough Council were still keeping any proposals under wraps. A meeting with Tony Rooth (GBC Council Leader) was requested but the letter went astray so a further request was sent with Anne Milton copied in. Letter received and Mr Rooth said there would be consultations in 2014.

Other Allotment issues: Guildford Allotment Society (GAS) met Chris Mansfield (GBC Development Dept) e area regeneration as redevelopment of the Bellfields site is due to start in 2015. Due to Thames Water this has been delayed possibly for another seven years. He also stated that the removal of the Aldershot Road site ref housing will happen in 2014. WBDRA contacted Cllr Jenny Wickes who denied this. We can conclude that not a lot will happen until 2014.

Planning Applications:  (1) 38 Oakfields. Two storey side extension to be built on the site after approval had been won via Bristol, Nothing has happened since but there will be parking issues due to multiple occupancy. The application is valid for three years.  (2) 84 - 90 Aldershot Road. Despite local objections there is now permission to build 12 properties.  (3) 1 Broadacres. Proposal to build a monstrous two storey extension. The neighbours and WBDRA have raised a campaign against. Application refused but will no doubt be presented again in some form  (4) 1 Dorrit Crescent. Existing bungalow to be demolished in favour of three houses. 50 objections and GBC refused planning permission but still one to watch.  (5) Hare and Hounds PH. Application to build on land to the rear. The only objection was that of access issues but building has been approved. The path has been tidied up and looks much better. Paul Cragg stated that there were potential problems for emergency vehicles and that access would be OK if Barnwood were to be kept clear.

6.  Guest Speaker/Other issues from the floor

PC Janet Ville: (1) Dorrit Crescent was no longer under the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. She could help with the setting up of other schemes in the area eg with leaflets   (2) Park Smart - If a vehicle is found or reported to be parked in a poor or dangerous way the driver can receive a leaflet giving personal parking advice. (3)  Lead theft - had been a series of lead thefts in the area – phone police if you see anything suspicious. A marking system for replacement lead available including Smart Water which can be used on any item (4) The Pines -  Thefts of gullies

7. Any Other Business

Bob McShee: (1) Grit bin removed from outside 54 Broadacres. Could we sign a petition to campaign for its reinstatement.(2) Carol singing on Wood Street Green 17 Dec and @ Perry Hill on 20th (3) Pre school in Wood Street to move to the cricket club on 2nd December (4) Diamond Jubilee Worplesdon Parish Council will hold a Jubilee Fair on Wood Street Green. Any ideas appreciated.

Wayne McShane: (1) Parking issues and update. There was a meeting with the local executive. The hospital, university and local borough all wanted more parking. The University don’t want any more than 2167 spaces  The hospital requested a multi-storey years ago but it was turned down. GBC say they will allow more parking at the Uni but this was disputed. The meeting was positive and parking outside schools will have 2 hour restrictions. (2) Over 30% of properties in Westborough are now student lets - this was degrading the area. (3) St Claires - Carol singing: Friday 16 at 15:30

Paul Cragg: Worplesdon Parish Council are trying to restart the SpeedWatch Scheme and they need volunteers. Training will be given. A speeding vehicle is recorded on Clay Lane every 3 minutes.

Janet Ville: will review the roundabout situation in Broadacres to get the traffic to slow down

8. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 hrs by DB who thanked all for attending and St Marys for the loan of the Church Hall and Bev & Noreen for supplying the refreshments

Minutes submitted by: Helen Ward - Secretary

Approved by:  

  David Bird - Chair

Page Last Updated - 08/02/2013
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