Aldershot Rd Allotment Update - March 2020
After many years of campaigning to restore our site to full Allotment use, it is good to see that our Council is on the threshold of converting the empty green space back into Allotment plots. There is a current Planning Application in the Council system to put in 35 plots in this area.
Once complete, this will then restore the Aldershot Road site to pretty much its original capacity.
New fencing all round is also part of the plan – so another perennial cause for concern will be resolved.
This has all come about as a result of the efforts of members of WASHA and this Residents Association (WBDRA).
BUT the Planning Application has yet to be approved so the more people that can e-mail Guildford Borough Council to support this application the better.
It's quite easy to do - compose a brief e-mail containing your name and postal address simply saying you support this application. Put "Application 20/P/00478- SUPPORT" in the subject bar and e-mail to:
Once the application is approved work should be starting in June 2020 (Covid19 permitting!) and will be complete within 4 months thereafter.
The full planning application can be viewed on the GBC Planning Portal which you can access via heir main website:
Also, more information can be found on the Weyside Urban Village website:
Page Last Updated - 29/03/2020 |