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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.

Our Allotment Site is included in the GBC 2014 Draft Local Plan.

This is what GBC are saying & proposing:

"Although this site was allocated for housing and open space in the 2003 Local Plan (policy H3), housing development was not been pursued by the landowner (the Council) on this site, and it is widely known that the local residents would prefer for this site to be used for additional allotments rather than housing.

Although there is a considerable need for housing, particularly in sustainable locations such as the urban areas, housing is not feasible on this site.

Allotments are the preferred use of this site"


Naturally we want all our members, supporters and readers to agree with the Council's proposal for this site. You must have a GU postcode though otherwise, your comments etc will be rejected! Here's how to do it.


Send GBC an e-mail with this wording in the subject/message bar: "Site Allocations ref 104 - Land @ Westborough Allotments"

Then in the text simply say: "I agree with the proposed use of this land for Allotments"

The e-mail address is:


GBC are trying to keep this all online but if you're not 100% online & without easy Computer access, you'll have to send a letter. Not difficult at all.

You can say: "Concerning Site Allocations ref 104 - Land @ Westborough Allotments, I agree with the proposed use of this land for Allotments"

Don't forget to include your name, address & post code.

Local Plan - Planning Services
Guildford Borough Council
Guildford GU2 4BB


Top right on the GBC website ( is a series of photo links - one is linked to the set of Local Plan Documents.

Click on this and you can access the full range of Local Plan Documents.

The Questionnaire is a pdf document which means you have a limited amount of space to reply - so probably best to attach your response in hard copy.

Also be aware there are questions concerning the way in which GBC have gone about putting the local Plan together - BUT unless you're a Planning Expert or a close follower of Local Plan developments in the last 6 months, we can't see how anyone can answer these questions honestly and openly. We suggest these are best ignored.


You need to be registered to do this on the GBC website - it's not that difficult to do, just follow the On Screen instructions. Once registered you can see the full range of consultation documents and comment online on anything in the Local plan documents set. But please ensure you respond as per 1 above, the site is Item 104 and is in the Site Allocations document volume 2.



We hope you, your neighbours and family will help us by responding to this consultation and we thank you for your support.













Page Last Updated - 26/08/2014
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