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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.


This section contains copies of key documents as well as general articles which should be of interest to casual browsers as well as WBDRA members & supporters.

JAN 2018

Last year's AGM minutes (unsigned version) and the text of Local Plan Policy A21 added.

JULY 2017

A brief update to get some recent items in the file


Most importantly are the Minutes of our last AGM in 2015.

We also have other items of relevance from 2016 to add but due to time constraints these will be added asap in 2017.

The most important document will be an exchange of e-mails between the WBDRA Chair, GBC and Cllr Bob McShee where GBC confirmed the main access gate to the Aldershot Road Site will be left as it is and NOT relocated as was being discussed by GBC Parks dept and Guildford Allotment Society


We have included a representative collection of articles about Guildford housing numbers - will it be 400 or maybe 700? Is the Local Plan Data out of date data? Figures too about the Homeless/rough sleepers and will all the new homes be flats?

Other housing articles deal with building on floodplains, Slyfield Regeneration (SARP) and the possible loss of Bellfields Allotment Site.

The various activities of ex-Councillors Juneja & Mansbridge had much publicity - all very well covered by the Surrey Advertiser. Private Eye covered the story no less than 4 times in 2015 and we have included these too. The articles all appeared in the Eye's “Rotten Boroughs” section which for decades has highlighted the misdeeds & misadventures of Local Authorities & Councillors. Guildford was awarded the Eye’s “Services to Democracy” award – some heavy irony there! Also included is a letter from Cllr Bob McShee concerning Monika Juneja’s flawed petition.

Building on Flood Plains has become a major issue for the whole of UK late 2015  early 2016 yet plans are still around for building a major road (Clay Lane Link Road) on a floodplain and likewise homes! A small sample of articles included on this issue.

The Guildford Allotment Society Spring Newsletter features the WBDRA Chair at the Guildford Farmers Market in the company of fellow Allotment enthusiast Lori Winch-Johnson. Thanks to Harry Wickens for the photo but Lori is by far the more deserving centrefold!

Guildford in Bloom Winners article features 3 Allotment folk - Neil Gratwick, Mary Lawrence and St Josephs School (the school plot is on the Aldershot Road site). 

Last but not least, a copy of a small article from the Surrey Advertiser 8th January 2016 – which covers, in brief, information obtained by Anne Milton MP about our Council’s plans for restoration of the Aldershot Road Allotment Site. Watch this space!!

Thanks to the Surrey Advertiser and Private Eye - our main sources of 2015 cuttings.


The GBC documents for the Issues & Options consultation are just too large to import on to this site.

What we have included below is the relevant page containing Question 36 about Allotments & during w/c 14th October the Appendix D pages showing the Allotment Site will appear also.

To access the full document set about the Consultation, you will need to access the GBC website.

This is the web address:




Today (28-05-13) the most important items to look at are the copy of the Surrey Times article "Allotment Celebrations" and the e-mail correspondence between WBDRA & GBC Planning "E-mail to-from GBC Planning post GAS AGM" 

Also included in the May update are the articles listed below - very little of which makes encouraging reading for the average Guildford Householder/Council Tax payer - unless of course you're a property developer!

  • Surrey County Council vows to protect Green Belt -  Surrey Advertiser 29-March-2013
  • Aldershot Road Allotments under threat - Guildford Allotment Society Newsletter Spring 2013
  • Sale of Allotments in Leatherhead - Leatherhead Advertiser 04-April-2013
  • Boxgrove Avenue residents land to be sold - Surrey Times 03-May-2013
  • Inspectors getting more lenient - Surrey Advertiser 17-May-2013
  • Developers Charter - Surrey Advertiser 17-May-2013



Only a small crop of topical items this time - the Editors favourite being the Lamb "Garden Produce" cartoon from Private Eye - it just sums up our Growing Season perfectly!

The Telegraph "Allotment Police" article is a bit on the strange but true side but it would never happen in Guildford (so they say) and finally an article about Todmorden which has some resonance with Produce Growers generally


We've updated the Library with copies of recent items of local interest.

This includes an truly fascinating & insightful letter by Alderman Gordon Bridger on the future of Guildford centre and a sharply observed letter from a Ripley resident about the admin performance of our local Borough Council.

CPRE published a very readable analysis of the new Planning Framework which is included here along with the Westborough Lib Dems "Focus" extract about the Aldershot Road Allotment site.

And we have included the Surrey Ad obituary for Tony Oliver late of the Wood St Royal Oak.



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If you want to access a document and have real problems, go to our home page for our contact details & and get in touch.


  proposed park and ride
 10 downing st response to wbdra petition.txt - 1kB
 100 year wait for allotments.pdf - 128kB
 100 yr allotment waiting list - metro 09.05.11.pdf - 128kB
 25 oakfields planning officers report.txt - 9kB
 38 oakfields planning officers report.txt - 12kB
 400 homes pa - s adv 06-03-15.pdf - 64kB
 700 homes pa - s adv 09-10-15.pdf - 238kB
 age concern funding crisis - surrey ad - 25-07-08.pdf - 236kB
 age concern riverside center saved - surrey ad feb 09.pdf - 56kB
 age concern riverside centre saved -surrey ad 20-02-09.pdf - 56kB
 agm 2007 minutes.txt - 5kB
 agm 2008 minutes.txt - 6kB
 agm 2016 -wbdra minutes for agm 2015 v2.docx - 19kB
 aldershot rd allotment produce @ wood st show 2008.jpg.jpg - 415kB
 allotment article (response to) valentine low - evg standard.pdf - 188kB
 allotment bicentenary - metro - mar 09.pdf - 109kB
 allotment bore cartoon - the oldie.pdf - 179kB
 allotment celebrations - surrey times 22-05-13.pdf - 252kB
 allotment expansion at aldershot road - surrey adv 08-01-15.pdf - 433kB
 allotment fence - surrey ad - 01-08-08.pdf - 119kB
 allotment housing - surrey ad - 02-05-08.pdf - 60kB
 allotment police - telegraph aug 2012.pdf - 144kB
 allotment police.pdf - 144kB
 allotment poster - aldershot road.pdf - 216kB
 allotment tree bog - surrey ad article 19-09-08.pdf - 219kB
 allotments - new landed gentry - d express 17.11.11.pdf - 498kB
 allotments -conservatives april 2011.pdf - 225kB
 allotments 15 year wait list - d telegraph 16.11.11.pdf - 250kB
 allotments 200 year anniversary.pdf - 109kB
 allotments and anne milton - s adv 08-01-16.pdf - 121kB
 allotments get hip - the times jan 08.pdf - 193kB
 allotments sell off 1908 act review - s express 01.05.11.pdf - 101kB
 allotmentsite housing gbc planning to build letter 2005.pdf - 59kB
 another allotment fence story 10-10-08.pdf - 86kB
 appendix d p66 re aldershot rd allotments.pdf - 445kB
 barnett wood allotments - leatherhead ad 04 apr 2013.pdf - 373kB
 bellfields allotments and sarp - s adv 05-02-15.pdf - 50kB
 bernard parkes on councillors - surrey ad mar 09.pdf - 88kB
 bev - resident of the month 28-04-17.pdf - 94kB
 bev mussell allotment eviction article - the oldie - october 2007.pdf - 189kB
 bill bellerby and shuttlebus - surrey ad.pdf.pdf - 152kB
 boxgrove land sale - surrey times 08-05-13.pdf - 349kB
 butterfiles in peril - metro 24-04-08.pdf - 151kB
 c mansfield ltr 1.pdf - 104kB
 c mansfield ltr 29 mar 11.pdf - 104kB
 cameron and linden homes - surrey ad 25.11.2011.pdf - 186kB
 cartoon - planning committee.pdf - 142kB
 charles addams ghoul girl gardener.pdf - 31kB
 chris bruce ltr re allotment-oakfields border strip.pdf - 109kB
 clay lane link rd - jwra petition - s adv 25-09-15.pdf - 225kB
 cllr mcshee and the juneja petition - s adv 19-06-15.pdf - 81kB
 cllr mcshee queries juneja petition - s adv 19-06-15.pdf - 461kB
 concreting over gardens - threat to wildlife- surrey ad 21-11-08.pdf.pdf - 180kB
 consultation cartoon - private eye 04.04.2008.pdf - 90kB
 consultation letter - surrey ad 28-11-08.pdf - 27kB
 consultationcomment by cllr jenny wickes - surrey times 20-12-08.pdf.pdf - 119kB
 core strategy consultation gbc apr 2009.docx - 16kB
 cpre guide to national planning policy framework planning guide 2012.pdf - 309kB
 cpre.pdf - 469kB
 dig for victory poster - imperial war museum.pdf - 225kB
 dig for victory poster.pdf - 225kB
 disappearing sparrows - surrey ad 21-11-08 .pdf - 180kB
 dont wreck guildford - egra 2008.pdf - 550kB
 down with the council - bill bellerby - surrey ad 21-11-08.pdf - 168kB
 e-mail to-from gbc planning post gas agm.txt - 2kB
 eco towns - prof eng mag apr 09.pdf - 457kB
 election results westborough may 2011.pdf - 46kB
 election results worplesdon may 2011.pdf - 46kB
 eveningstandard_25_jul_07.gif - 390kB
 farewell bob dearnley - metro 29-05-09.pdf - 204kB
 fence matters - from bewildered alison davidson of gbc.txt - 5kB
 fence reply - alison davidson to mp.pdf - 79kB
 fiona white election leaflet may 09.pdf - 218kB
 garden birdwatch results - surrey ad 28-03-08.pdf - 177kB
 garden grabbing sundaytelegraph 20-12-09.pdf - 191kB
 garden produce cartoon - private eye july 2012..pdf - 40kB
 gardener married a pineapple 10-10-08.pdf - 255kB
 gas formation - gbc exec agenda item jun 2003 .txt - 8kB
 gas housing talk 2013.doc - 30kB
 gas newsletter spring 2013 p1 re aldershot road.pdf - 410kB
 gbc - worst council letter - surrey ad 30 mar 2012.pdf - 106kB
 gbc approves closure of travel centre - surrey ad 25-04-08.pdf - 40kB
 gbc approves phone mast - wbdra comments - surrey ad 20-06-08.pdf - 134kB
 gbc sam cuthbert reply re consultation -july 09.docx - 13kB
 giant pumpkin oct 2011 - metro.pdf - 100kB
 gordon bridger surrey ad letter 20 april 2012.pdf - 141kB
 gordons council houses - the times 30-01-09.pdf - 259kB
 govt response to redbridge allotments petition.txt - 4kB
 gra have your say flyer nov 13.doc - 52kB
 grange rd consultation - surrey ad 12-12-08.pdf - 174kB
 grange rd consultation- paul kassell - surrey ad 12-12-08.pdf - 112kB
 green britain day - metro 07 jul 09.pdf - 76kB
 grow your own - d express 31-12-09.pdf - 93kB
 grow your own - london metro article.pdf - 71kB
 guildford in bloom - allotment winners - s adv 25-09-15.pdf - 405kB
 help save allotments - gas news - spring 2015.pdf - 202kB
 high court and buglife article.pdf - 110kB
 homes masterplan - mostly flats -s adv 09-10-15.pdf - 550kB
 housing - crara ltr -surrey ad 25-07-08.pdf - 116kB
 housing - reply to gbc - surrey ad - mar 06.pdf - 153kB
 housing in waverley letter - surrey ad mar 2010.pdf - 80kB
 housing on allotment site - cllr fiona white speaks out - surrey ad - jul 07.pdf - 208kB
 housing on the allotment site - gbc local plan extract 2003.pdf - 223kB
 housing on the allotment site - gfd allotment society mar 2008.pdf - 344kB
 housing- letter of the week - surrey ad - feb 06.pdf - 159kB
 incinerators scrapped - surrey ad 18-12-09.pdf - 93kB
 its a growing business - d express 20-02-09.pdf - 550kB
 jenny wicks - wbdra aug 2011.docx - 20kB
 john prescott garden grabbing - s telegraph 20-12-09.pdf - 102kB
 keeping pests at bay - metro .pdf - 70kB
 landlords dont pay council tax - surrey ad - 28-11-08.pdf - 52kB
 mansbridge resigns and juneja racism claims - s adv 20-06-15.pdf - 157kB
 metro allotments article.pdf - 256kB
 mike nevins - surrey ad may 2010.pdf - 157kB
 mike nevins letter re s e plan mar 09.pdf - 33kB
 mike nevins re s e plan - surrey ad 06-03-09.pdf - 33kB
 new homes flood risk - s adv 18-12-15.pdf - 127kB
 nice car maggies p5b rover - metro may 2009.pdf - 185kB
 nick sutcliffe reply re site allocations consultation.txt - 3kB
 noreen moynihan @ wood st show 2008_jpg.jpg - 419kB
 noreen moynihan brit legion shield winner wood st show 2008_jpg.jpg - 414kB
 nuthatches and buzzards - daily express.pdf - 221kB
 origins of wbdra - surrey times oct 06.pdf - 185kB
 paul kassell resigns - surrey ad 05-12-08.pdf.pdf - 42kB
 peter brayne re core strategy - surrey times apr 09.pdf - 120kB
 petition copy.pdf.pdf - 212kB
 petition power article - surrey ad aug 2006.pdf - 151kB
 phone mast - surrey ad - 25-04-08.pdf - 52kB
 phone mast - surrey ad 25th april 2008.pdf - 52kB
 phone mast deaths - sunday express 22-06-08.pdf - 461kB
 phone mast ltr - wbdra 09-05-08.pdf - 143kB
 planning appeal guidance.pdf - 550kB
 planning committee.pdf - 142kB
 planning inspectors more lenient - surrey ad 17-05-13.pdf - 350kB
 plot holders accused of trespass - surrey ad feb 06.pdf - 279kB
 policy a21 - gbc local plan dec 2017.docx - 11kB
 private eye allotment cartoon - mar 09.pdf - 118kB
 puttocks park and ride surrey ad 27-11-09.pdf - 121kB
 puttocks park and ride surrey ad.pdf - 114kB
 q36 - allotments.pdf - 163kB
 q36 - issues and options oct 2013.pdf - 128kB
 rainbow gathering - surrey ad may 09.pdf - 331kB
 rotten boros - juneja bogus brief - p eye 11-06-15.pdf - 101kB
 rotten boros - mansbridge and juneja - p eye 26-06-15.pdf - 32kB
 rotten boros - mansbridge resigns - p eye 30-10-15.pdf - 180kB
 rotten boros award to mansbridge and juneja - p eye 08-01-16.pdf - 42kB
 rough sleepers and affordable homes - s adv 27-02-15.pdf - 157kB
 scandal of empty london homes - private eye 28-11-08.pdf - 95kB
 scandal of our allotments - country smallholding 17-04-14.docx - 19kB
 scc protect the green belt - surrey ad 29-03-13.pdf - 251kB
 scrap cars fire service - surrey ad 06-12-09.pdf - 81kB
 se plan consultation form - egra 2008.pdf - 321kB
 senior protesters - matt cartoon.pdf - 35kB
 sheds metro 10.04.11.pdf - 193kB
 shoebox homes - metro 15.09.11.pdf - 138kB
 sir nigel gresley @ bristol 2008.jpg.jpg - 435kB
 site allocations results - wbdra letter - surrey ad 28-11-08.pdf.pdf - 27kB
 site allocs form p1-3-option 40.pdf - 473kB
 slyfield land sale for recyclling - surrey times 14.09.11.pdf - 113kB
 south east housing - matt cartoon.pdf - 89kB
 stag beetles article - surrey ad - 27-06-08.pdf - 180kB
 student housing - landlords dont pay council tax - surrey ad 28-11-08.pdf.pdf - 52kB
 students accom - gbc.pdf - 64kB
 sue doughty lib dem conference sept 09.txt - 0kB
 surrey ad allotments article 30-10-09.pdf - 109kB
 surreytimes9feb08.tif - 550kB
 the tree bog men @ wood st show 2008.jpg.jpg - 417kB
 todmorden food town - metro - june 2012.pdf - 428kB
 tony oliver obituary - surrey ad 23 mar 2012.pdf - 160kB
 travel centre - surrey ad - 24th april 2008.pdf - 40kB
 travel centre letter crara - surrey ad - 09-05-08.pdf - 90kB
 travel centre letter with wbdra comments - surrey ad 09-05-08.pdf - 90kB
 tree bogs - surrey ad 18-12-09.pdf - 102kB
 tyrant tories and scoundrel whigs.pdf.pdf - 102kB
 washa housing talk 2013.docx - 17kB
 wbdra chair at farmers market - gas news -spring 2015.pdf - 550kB
 wbdra chair at farmers market - gas news spring 2015.pdf - 278kB
 wbdra comment re allotments - surrey ad 02-05-08.pdf - 60kB
 wbdra letter re phone mast - surreyad 09-05-08.pdf - 143kB
 wbdra minutes agm 10.docx - 18kB
 wbdra minutes agm 12.docx - 22kB
 wbdra minutes agm 13.docx - 21kB
 wbdra minutes agm 2016.docx - 17kB
 westborough lib dems re allotments - spring 2012.pdf - 177kB
 westborough site allocations.pdf - 467kB
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