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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.

2015 Year End Update

It was a busy year for our Borough Council - Stephen Mansbridge (Leader) resigned, Monika Juneja convicted, May Elections plus the ongoing process of revising/finalising the new Draft Local Plan. 

WBDRA by contrast had a relatively quiet year for a change. No local planning objections, nothing to be done about the Allotment Site campaign and no run-ins with GBC.

We continue to attend meetings with GRA (Guildford Residents Association) and committee members continue to attend local events promoting Allotments & Healthy Living. Our Chairman was the centrefold photo for a Guildford Allotment Society Newsletter featuring the Guildford Farmers Market.

But it is the lull before the storm we think as we anticipate challenging times ahead once that Local Plan comes out into the Public Domain for comment.

So watch this space!


Page Last Updated - 11/01/2016
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