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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.

Aldershot Rd Allotment Update - Feb 2020

Are we nearly there yet?

After months of silence from GBC and GAS, we have news at last that something is going to happen on the AR site.

This follows in the wake of press releases and coverage of the Weyside Urban Village and the new North Moors Allotment site.

Below is an extract frOm GBCs latest information leaflet informing that there's a public Drop In event on Tuesday 25th Feb at Westborough Church 



Guildford Borough Council is providing a new home for the Bellfields Road allotments because they sit within the area that has been identified for the new Weyside Urban Village.

In addition to the new allotments at North Moors, the Council is proposing to extend the existing allotments at Aldershot Road, so that every allotment holder is guaranteed a replacement plot of equal size.

This drop in session is an opportunity for you to speak directly to members of the project team at Guildford Council and get more information about the proposals.

Westborough Church,
4B Southway, Guildford GU2 8DA

Tuesday 25th February 2020
2.00pm - 7.00pm

For any queries please contact:
0207 399 2294"



Their timetable for completion at AR is optimistic - start in June & complete by October 2020? We'll see!

The new bit will be run as a separate entity with own warden, own car park and water supply.

The main entrance will remain as being off Westway BUT GAS Chair says Plot 1 will be reclaimed and our 6 parking bays will be relocated there and be within the site. It looks like the entrance will be somewhere around where Kendalls now are and just a bit further back off Westway. Difficult for me to tell from the photos & I don't have any issues with that.

GAS Chair and GBC rep both said the old fence will be replaced and that it's undecided if the new plots will be fenced off from the rest of the site. We know GBC has the money approved for replacing the old fence - we'll see how things progress.

My own view is that if GBC/GAS keep to their word on the above, I don't see any issues.

So from me the GBC proposal gets the thumbs up BUT we will all have to remain vigilant - at least until AR works complete. 

David Bird -WBDRA Chair



Page Last Updated - 26/02/2020
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