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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.


(Guildford Residents Associations)

GRA was formed by the coming together of over 26 Residents Associations in the Borough.

The principal reason for doing so was to present a united front response to Guildford Boro’ Councils 2013 Public Consultation.

Graham Hibbert (one of driving forces behind the GRA idea) and the GRA Steering Committee have produced a flyer (a one-page summary leaflet) – part of which is shown below, the whole Flyer document is in the WBDRA website Library.

The views expressed in this flyer are a summary of all Residents Associations agreed views.

So please do take a look and feel free to download it and send it in to GBC. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already responded in some other format – you can also have your say on all the Flyer issues as well.


The Local Plan is your once-in-a-decade chance to say how you want Guildford and its villages to develop into the 2030s. Don’t let your voice go unheard – it really does count.

Do you and your children want to live in a place:-

1. With a strong knowledge-based economy and good jobs on offer, which competes in international markets with high tech and creative businesses and services?

2. With a distinctive, vibrant town centre based on quality shops and entertainment places, with North Street developed in keeping with the character of the High Street rather than as a “could be anywhere” shopping mall?

3. Where all developments are expected to enhance the historic and green character of Guildford and create distinctive communities that bring people together?

4. Which cherishes our countryside setting and easy access to beautiful green spaces?

5. With a balanced mix of homes to meet local needs but avoiding encroachment into the Green Belt except in very special circumstances?

6. Where the impact of through traffic is reduced by an A3 tunnel (as at Hindhead), where  improved A3 junctions serve the town, where getting across Guildford is made easier by a new bridge over the railway, and a central bus interchange links all parts of the town?

Then you agree with the 26 Residents Associations and the Parish Councils forming the Guildford   Residents’ Associations!  You can see more of our views at:




Page Last Updated - 18/11/2013
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