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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.

Update -September 2021

White Lines repainted

Anyone driving down Broadacres or Wood Rise can now see very clearly the repainted white lines clearly showing the right of way.

It's been a bit of a tussle with Surrey Highways to get this done after WBDRA kicked this one off quite some ago and we were promised it would be done by this time in 2020.

But it's done now and hopefully will improve road safety for Broadacres Estate residents (Fingers crossed!!)

Thanks to Cllrs Witham & McShee for supporting us up on this one and to the Clerk of Worplesdon Parish Council for her timely and helpful intervention. 

 Aldershot Road Allotments

After quite a delay over the summer months, work has now restarted. Apparently the hold-up was due to GBC doing a study on the levels of the reinstated plots.

This will be good for the new tenants on this section of the site.

But us older hands have got used to our sloping plots and very few are actually on the level.

As one tenant said of the new plots they will be "more of a manicured terrace!"

More to come.............




Page Last Updated - 22/09/2021
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