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Government response to the WBDRA petition
01 March 2008

This is the 10 Downing Street response to our petition

"Guildford Borough Council published a Site Allocations Development Plan Document issues and options consultation paper in November 2007. The Aldershot Road allotment site is included in this document as a potential site for either the provision of 39 allotment plots or for residential and open space uses. It is important to make your views on these proposals known to the Council before the close of the consultation period on 30 January. Representations should be sent to the Planning Policy Team, Environmental Policy and Design, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB.
Any site allocations in development plan documents will be subject to examination by an independent planning inspector whose recommendations are binding on the local planning authority.
At this stage, it is for Guildford Borough Council to decide which sites to include in its Site Allocations Development Plan Document. It would not be appropriate for the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to comment on the merits of particular sites because, first, she does not possess local knowledge and, secondly, to do so could prejudice any planning decision which may come before her at a later date.
Should a local authority wish to dispose of an area of statutory allotment land, it would first need to obtain express consent from the Secretary of State. Local residents would have the opportunity to make representations should any application for disposal be submitted."
You can read the text on the 10 Downing Site by clicking on the link below or cutting & pasting it into your Message Bar
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