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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 01/01/1900.
22 November 2007

8440 Homes to be built  in Guildford - yes, it's on the cards unless we start getting angry and tough with our politicians.

A recently published report compiled by a panel of Goverment Inspectors who were reporting on something called the Draft South East Plan, have called for 56,660 homes to be built in Surrey by the year 2027. The Inspectors call for 8440 homes to be built in Guildford  - originally the South East Plan had proposed 6440 new homes for Guildford. This means 2800+ houses will have to be built in Surrey every year for the next 20 years if this target is to be met.

You don't have to be a brilliant mathematician to work out that Guildford Boro' Council needs to oversee the building of  more than 400 houses a year to meet it's target. Where will they be built?

It's an odds-on bet where the Council will encourage most of them to be built - it won't be in the nice leafy low Housing density areas of East Horsley or West Clandon, but heavily built up areas like Stoughton, Westborough & parts of Worplesdon are going to take yet another massive hit. We will all truly be living in a concrete jungle.  

You can sit back and ignore the Garden Grabbing and the ploughing up of our Green Belt BUT don't be surprised when you can't sell your house or it's value drops through the floor because a large scale Housing Development is planned in the area.

Scaremongering? No siree - it's already happened to one of our members' neighbours who lost the sale of their house - the proposed Housing Development on the Aldershot Road Allotment Site being given as the reason for the buyer pulling out. 

You can help us @ WBDRA to help you and your family by giving our politicians a stiff message that we are not prepared to have our part of Guildford built up & concreted over any more.

If you want to read more about these Housing figures and South East Plan, look it up on the CPRE website:

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