Following receipt of the Guildford Allotments Society (GAS) letter terminating their leases, Bev & Lyn appealed to the Councils Head of Parks, Chris Bruce.
Also, withIn days of the GAS letter being received, the Surrey Advertiser printed the story and BBC Southern Counties Radio ran the story as their top local item on 31st July. Sadly Arthur Kinge of GAS was indisposed for the BBC interview - hope he's feeling better now.
Chris Bruce met the Mussell family on-site on Monday 6th August and inspected their plots. The day after, he upheld their appeal and despite GAS's written notice of eviction and immediate termination of leases, Bev & Lyn remain on site and with all their plots.
However the 2 plots which fell outside GAS' jurisdiction and are owned by GBC, will only remain as Allotment Plots for 2 more years.
This is not only a victory for Bev & Lyn, but also a terrific victory for common sense and the community.